Friday, May 29, 2015

If I had a time machine I would  go to the future and see what I would be working in and if I would have a family already and living the good life

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Success to means reaching all your goals and accomplishing all your dreams. It's living the good life and not worrying much about any bills or problems. It's about loving your job and not hating it or making everyday the best day you can with a positive attitude. I think it's facing any challenge and being prepared for anything. I also think once you are successful you don't stop there but eep going and make greater things.

In five years I will still be in school still for becoming a elementary teacher and also going to another school for makeup. I will also have a job already maybe as a receptionist.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Some ways we can prevent drought is by trying not to waste water in any way by getting leaks fixed when washing dishes and or clothes o try to do one big load or as brushing your teeth turn it off meanwhile any small thing can help as a community.